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Ghana's Position: World Mothers Index


In commemoration of mother’s day, this year’s State of the World’s Mothers report focused on the disparities between the rich and poor living in urban areas. The report assessed the well-being of mothers from 179 countries.

According to the report by Save the Children, Norway happens to be the best place to be a mother. Somalia is the worst place to be a mother. The report used data on health, education, economic status and political participation of women in ranking the various countries.

Ghana is 154th on the list. This is not something we should be too proud about as Ghanaians. There is certainly a lot of room for improvement.

The following key statistics account for Ghana’s low placement in the list of 179 countries.

###MATERNAL MORTALITY 1 in 66 women have a lifetime likelihood of maternal death

###UNDER 5 MORTALITY RATE Under 5 mortality rate per 1000 live births is 78.4

###EDUCATIONAL STATUS Expected number of years of schooling for women in Ghana is 11.5

###ECONOMIC STATUS Gross National Income per capita of women in Ghana is 1,770

###POLITICAL STATUS The % of seats held by women in national government is 10.9